Blackbody radiation The body which absorbs all the radiation falling on it irrespective of frequencies is called a Blackbody. The most important part of a Blackbody are its properties. Blackbody radiates more radiation when it is hot than when it is cold. The spectrum of a Blackbody is given below Spectrum of Blackbody radiation. From the spectrum of Blackbody radiation the following observations are made: 1. With the increase in temperature Blackbody radiates more and more energy. 2. The spectral energy of a Blackbody depends only on temperature . This relation was given by Stefan and Boltzmann known as Stefan's Boltzmann law as E 𝛂 T⁴ E = 𝝈T⁴ 3. The spectral energy density increase with increase in frequency but for higher frequencies it decreases. 4. A relation between temperature and frequency of a Blackbody was given by Wein's law i.e λₘT=hc=2.898...
Blackbody radiation,Plank's radiation law, photoelectric effect,Compton effect,pair production,De broglie's matter wave,The concept of wave packets and group velocities, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, application of uncertainty principle,Schrodinger wave equation, linearity and superposition, expectation values, operators,particle in box,finite potential well, potential barrier, tunnel effect, space quantization,jj coupling,ls coupling,Zeeman effect,nuclear physics and many more