Quarks colour The problem associated with the idea that baryons are composed of quarks is that two or three same type of quarks are contain in a particular particle for example two u quarks in proton and three s quarks in 𝝮⁻ baryons violates the exclusion principle. Quarks must follow exclusion principle because they are fermions and have half integral spin (1/2). To solve this problem, it was considered that quarks have an additional property called colours and its possibilities are red, green and blue. The antiquark colours are antired, antigreen and antiblue. According to colour hypothesis, each baryon consist of three quarks of different colours which satisfies the exclusion principle, since all quarks have different states even if two or three particles are identical, such combination is thought to be white. The antibaryon is made of antired, antigreen and antiblue quarks. The meson is consist of quark of one colour and an antiquark of corresponding anticolour and thus cance...
Blackbody radiation,Plank's radiation law, photoelectric effect,Compton effect,pair production,De broglie's matter wave,The concept of wave packets and group velocities, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, application of uncertainty principle,Schrodinger wave equation, linearity and superposition, expectation values, operators,particle in box,finite potential well, potential barrier, tunnel effect, space quantization,jj coupling,ls coupling,Zeeman effect,nuclear physics and many more