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Compton Effect.

Compton Effect

Compton Effect;

The scattering of photon by an electron is called Compton Effect. During this effect energy and momentum are conserved. Thus the energy of scattered photon is less than that of incident photon.
Compton Effect derivation
Compton Effect derivation.
Compton Effect derivation
Compton Effect derivation.


The quantity ∆𝛌 is called Compton Shift and it depends only on the angle of scattering ϴ.
1) When ϴ=0, the Compton Shift ∆𝛌 is zero.
2) When ϴ=90°, the Compton Shift is equal to h/mₒc i.e ∆𝛌=h/mₒc.
3) When ϴ=180°, the Compton Shift ∆𝛌 is maximum i.e ∆𝛌=2h/mₒc.


Fill in the blanks;
1) The Scattering of photon by an electron is called ------------.
2) During Compton Effect energy and momentum are ---------.
3) Thus the energy of scattered photon is ----- than that of incident photon.
4) The energy of incident photon/ photon before collision is -----.
5) The momentum of incident photon/before collision is -----.
6) The energy of electron before collision is ----.
7) The momentum of electron before collision is ------.
8) The energy of photon after collision is ----.
9) The momentum of photon after collision is -----.
10) The energy of electron after collision is ------.
11) The momentum of electron after collision is -------.
12) Compton Shift depends only on the ------ of Scattering.
13) When the angle of scattering is zero, the Compton Shift is ------.
14) The Compton Shift is maximum, When angle of scattering is equal to -----.
15) The Compton Shift is denoted by -------.
Ans)1) The Scattering of photon by an electron is called Compton Effect.
2) During Compton Effect energy and momentum are conserved.
3) Thus the energy of scattered photon is less than that of incident photon.
4) The energy of incident photon/ photon before collision is h𝛎.
5) The momentum of incident photon/before collision is h𝛎/c.
6) The energy of electron before collision is   mₒc².
7) The momentum of electron before collision is zero.
8) The energy of photon after collision is h𝛎'.
9) The momentum of photon after collision is h𝛎'/c.
10) The energy of electron after collision is 
11) The momentum of electron after collision is mv.
12) Compton Shift depends only on the angle of Scattering.
13) When the angle of scattering is zero, the Compton Shift is zero.
14) The Compton Shift is maximum, When angle of scattering is equal to 180°.
15) The Compton Shift is denoted by ∆𝛌.


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